UTA Stops for bus and rail as of August 20, 2023
Feature Layer includes all stops for bus, Light Rail (TRAX) and Commuter Rail (FrontRunner). Includes: Stop Name, City, Zip Code, County, Routes served, Stop Number (Integer), Stop Abbreviation (Text), Mode (Bus or Rail), Average Weekday Boarding and Alightings, and the Latitude/Longitude of the stop.
Stop locations are updated 3 times a year (typically April, August, and December).
Weekday ridership values (AVGBoard, AVGAlight) are updated monthly.
Stop Number (UTA_StopID) represents the numeric stop numbers.
Stop Abbreviation (StopAbbr_J) describes the type of stop:
- Numeric Values: Regular Bus Stop
- Beginning with BB: Bus Bay
- Beginning with FR: FrontRunner Station
- Beginning with TX: TRAX Station
- Beginning with S: Ski Stop
Average weekday boardings and alightings are updated monthly after the 10th of the following month. Boarding and Alightings are not currently available for Flex (F) Routes.