Currently (2024), this dataset represents approximately 1,347 culinary water suppliers. Some public community suppliers have been split at county boundaries for accounting purposes. These include public community, public non-community (transient), self-supplied industry (non-transient), and non-public water suppliers. This feature class includes system boundaries that are historical and no longer active. It also includes some systems that are outside the state. Historical and outside-the-state systems can be filtered using the ENDYEAR and STATE fields, respectively. SYSTEMTYPE = 'C' (Community) AND ENDYEAR IN (2021) will give currently active public community suppliers within the state. Supplier types can be further filtered using the SYSTEMTYPE field. You can also use the STATUS field to query by Active or Inactive, but with the understanding that Water Rights and Drinking Water don't completely agree on those values. These boundaries are derived from many different sources. They include spatial data received directly from the supplier, municipal boundaries, phone call descriptions of service areas, printed maps that had hand-drawn boundaries that were then digitized, etc.