This data set contains median home values, demographic detail, educational levels, population data and other socioeconomic data for counties in Utah. Data is from the US Census Bureau.
This data set includes the federal NCLB graduation rate calculations for schools by district in Utah.. For 2013 this includes all students who started 9th grade in the 2009-10 school year plus transfers. By aligning with federal regulations, Utah is able to compare their graduation rate to rates in other states. This rate is used for all UCAS and School Grade calculations. Utah also maintains a three-year cohort rate for comparison among all Utah Local Education Agencies (LEAs) since Utah has many 10-12th grade high schools.
This data set contains historical average tax rates by Counties in Utah from 2004-2013. Average tax rates are computed by dividing total locally and centrally assessed taxes charged by total taxable value, excluding motor vehicle fee-in-lieu value.
This data set contains total farms, total acres, irrigated farms and irrigated acres for orchards by counties in Utah from the USDA Agriculture Census 2012, 2007 and 2002.