This data set includes basic data characterizing a chemical analysis of aqueous fluid for the AASG geothermal data project. The data set combines aqueous well and spring observations throughout Utah.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.
This data set contains Groundwater Monitoring Data acquired through the West Desert Groundwater Monitoring-Well Project (including Snake Valley) and other projects.