This data set contains job projections for Salt Lake County through 2022. It contains educational levels, average wages, work experience, annual openings, etc.
This data set contains household survey data from Census. The American Community Survey was developed by the Census Bureau to replace the long form of the decennial census program. The ACS is a large demographic survey collected throughout the year using mailed questionnaires, telephone interviews, and visits from Census Bureau field representatives to about 3.5 million household addresses annually. Starting in 2005, the ACS produced social, housing, and economic characteristic data for demographic groups in areas with populations of 65,000 or more. (Prior to 2005, the estimates were produced for areas with 250,000 or more population.) The ACS also accumulates sample over 3-year and 5-year intervals to produce estimates for smaller geographic areas, including census tracts and block groups.
This data set contains the annual Adult Obesity Rates by county for Utah. County rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in Utah. The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play.